viernes, 31 de enero de 2014

Part 2 <--> Ebay shopping (321279243278) - Hookah problem

Good Morning

I comment to you that your package contains ELECTRONIC CIGAR which can not enter the country because they are regulated by COFEPRIS, because of this the SAT gives the indication of returning to the country of origin, Dispatch is back with the same guide number and the same return address for more information if you like you can communicate with them the next phone number. 51-33-07-15 AND / OR 50-36-07-00 ext. 57042 and 57043.

For your attention and knowledge.

Best regards.



1 comentario:

  1. Good Day
    I read your response to what I'd like to replicate informing: THOSE ARE NOT ELECTRONIC CIGAR or have no direct relation to electronic cigarettes, it's a good product and it's known as Hookah or SHISHA.
    The difference is that it doesn't contain nicotine or any health-damaging species.
    The product doesn't interfere with the health, since it's a small electronic device that individually only issued water steam.
    The product or merchandise was studied in 2012 in France by the
    Dr. Jacques Granger - Departmental Committee Dordogne respiratory diseases ;
    Dr. Brigitte CORNETTE - health examination center of Périgueux .
    Posted on November 30, 2012 publication can be read in French at this internet address:
    In addition to that you can contact Dr. Jacques Graner at the following email: docteur.jgranger @
    Another transcript of another study which you can read in English by clicking on the following address :
